Imagine your body is like a high-performance race car and the food you feed it is like fuel for your engine. Your body needs the right amount of the highest quality food to keep it running at its peak performance.đ
But what if your car engine becomes flooded with extra fuel? It will sputter and knock and stop performing as it was designed to. Your car engine is not unlike the mitochondria in human cells, which are the power source that feed the cells. Just like a car engine responds when it gets flooded with fuel, your mitochondria get overwhelmed when you feed them with more glucose than they need to power your cells.đŽ
It is normal for blood sugar levels to rise a small amount after eating, even in people who do not have diabetes. However, when excess food, the wrong kind of food, or foods eaten in the wrong sequence cause your blood sugar levels to spike to high levels, it can not only affect your quality of life today but also contribute to serious health problems down the road. Large spikes result in glucose being delivered to your cells faster than it can be absorbed. Your mitochondria are unable to handle this glucose overload, ultimately leading to the creation of free radicals in your body. And free radicals are a concern because they damage everything they touch. When spiking is unchecked and goes on for a long period of time, it eventually leads to inflammation in the body.
By learning how to flatten our glucose curves by still eating the foods we enjoy, we can better manage these symptoms, and live a better quality life.